Our Admissions Policies and Procedures
AIU has an open admissions policy; discrimination is not permitted against any student on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, or age.
Resident students attend AIU tuition FREE. However, all students must complete a work scholarship application. (African students attend AIU free of charge, however, participation in the work scholarship program is mandatory in order to help defray the costs of tuition, books, room, and board.)
Students must complete secondary school and provide a copy of their grade 12 transcript and all other required documents to the Admissions Committee.
An interview with the Admissions Committee will be scheduled as enrollment openings are available. During the interview, the Committee will ascertain that the applicant meets all of the qualifications for admission as a resident student, which include some of the following:
1. The resident student must be a professing Christian.
2. The resident student must affirm his belief in the entire doctrinal statement of AIU presented in the student application by affixing their signature.
3. The resident student should be single (exceptions are allowed in certain circumstances). The student’s parents (or guardian) must verify in writing that the student has never been married and that the student has no children.
4. The resident student must be able to read, write, and speak the English language well. A test is given to each candidate to validate English proficiency.
Steps to apply for admission as Resident Student
Obtain an application from your Gospelink Regional Director
Send your application form and transcript information to the following address: registrar@gospelink.org
If you qualify, attend an interview by the admissions committee when invited. Your interview may be a video conference with the admissions committee.
Steps to apply for admission for Distance Learning
Download the application available in the Distance Learning Tab
Send your application form and transcript information to the following address: aiu.dl@gospelink.org
*Please email our registrar with your question about payment methods
*If you are a pastor supported by Gospelink and live in Malawi or Zambia, you have a free scholarship to take up to four courses per year!
We shall process your Distance Learning application and update you with our final decision within 30 days of receiving your application and documentation. You will receive your course via email once payment is received.